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Writer's pictureAshley Korff

Planning your VBAC

There is no universal way to plan your birth. It is important to give yourself space and to figure out what is best for your birth and your body. Here we are figuring out the best way to prepare and process and learn what your definition of birth is! Whether you opt for a repeat cesarean or TOLAC, make sure to make the decision that feels right for your body, birth, and baby. Here are my best tips to planning your VBAC!

	VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
	TOLAC - Trial Of Labor After Cesarean

VBAC is NOT unnatural. Your body is made to birth.

Planning your VBAC

Processing your c-section or birth trauma

I think a very large part of having a positive VBAC experience, is to thoroughly process your cesarean. When you experience a c-section, your mind and body go through a lot. Even more so if you experienced a good amount of birth trauma along with your cesarean. It is important to process and work through all of your emotions, and anything that would bring up trauma in your next birth. Talking to your partner or to a close friend can be extremely helpful. It also may be beneficial to chat with a therapist. Therapy is often underutilized but can be extremely positive and may help you process even better.

Get Educated

It is important to get educated in birth and VBAC. Learn your benefits and the risks and make an informed decision based on what is right for you, your baby, and your body. It's important to learn about the risks of another c-section and the risks of TOLAC, as well as the benefits of both. Learn about your specific odds for your specific situation. You may have better odds if you have had a prior vaginal delivery, if you've had a c-section for malpresentation, or if you allow labor to start spontaneously.

Choosing your Provider

If you decide you would like to plan for a VBAC, it is important to find a care provider that you trust that values and supports your decision to TOLAC. This may sound silly, but not all providers feel comfortable and skilled enough to labor after a cesarean. Do your research! It is important to find a provider that is looking at the evidence, is actually pro-VBAC, and will support you in your birth. Ask your provider questions about success rates, their guidelines, or the hospital's guidelines, and how a VBAC is typically run!

Get Prepared

As with any labor, it is important to get prepared. Look into a good childbirth education class, even if you've done one before. Do your own research, read articles, watch positive birth stories on youtube, and read childbirth books! Hire a doula! Doulas support you throughout however your birth goes, they will give hands-on support, and help you ask all the right questions to get all of the information you need. Find what you desire in your birth, and how you would like your birth to go, giving yourself some grace if things don't go exactly as planned.

Create a Birth Plan

Making a birth plan is important so that you have an idea of how you would like to labor, what comfort measures you would like to do, and how you would like your environment would be. It is also important to make a plan in the case of having another cesarean. In the case of having another cesarean, how would you like it to go? Would you like to ask for a clear drape? Are you able to do skin-to-skin? Would you like special music to be playing? You are able to ask for these things! It's still your birth and you can try to make it as positive for you as possible.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

* Please note: None of this information is medical advice, if you have any questions about your situation, please talk to your medical provider.

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